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The Penetrating Power of Radiation

Definition of Penetrate :

  1. To go through or into something, especially when this is difficult.
  2. To discover the inner contents or meaning of.
  3. The penetrating power of radiations is the measurement of energy of those radiations. As the energy of radiations increases, the penetration power of radiations also increases.

Penetrating power of Rays:

The penetrating power of different types of radiation: 

  1. X-Ray
  2. Alpha
  3. Beta
  4. Gamma rays


The penetrating power of radiation
Fig.2  Penetrating power of X-Ray
  • X-ray are electromagnetic radiation.
  • X-ray are photons or high energy light waves which are usually emitted by radium or cobalt. These are can easily penetrate our body therefore also called penetrating radiation.
  • X-ray can be stopped by a thick lead barrier and a wall.
  • Human bones or organs are deferentially penetrable.

Gamma Rays:

  • Gamma radiation are penetrating electromagnetic radiation, like X-Ray.
  • Gamma rays are emitted by the nucleus of radioactive atoms.
  • They can be used to kill cancer cell and it also used sterilise medical (Surgery) equipment.
  • Gamma rays are the high energetic radiation, with a short wavelength less than one tenth of a nano meter.
  • Gamma rays are the more difficult  to stop these rays require lead, concrete or heavy shielding block.

The penetrating power of gamma rays
Fig.3 Penetrating power of gamma rays 

Alpha Rays: 

  • Alpha particles, also called alpha ray or alpha radiation. 
  • Alpha rays are the positively charge particles rays, that means this rays atoms only contains proton and no electrons.  
  • These are fast moving helium atoms.
  • It consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium-4 nucleus.
  • They have high energy, typically in the MeV range, but due to their large mass, they are stopped by just a few inches of air, or a piece of paper.
  • Alpha radiation is not dangerous because it is unlikely to reach living cells inside the body. Beta and gamma radiation are the most dangerous sources because they can penetrate the body tissue (skin) and damage the cells inside
    penetrating power of differential of radiation
    Fig.4  Penetrating power of alpha particle

Beta Rays: 

  • These are fast moving and high energy electron.
  • It is emitted by the radioactive decay of atomic nucleus during the process of beta decay.
  • It is two forms of beta decay 𝛃¯  decay and 𝛃+ decay, which produce electrons positrons.
  • Energy 0.5 MeV
  • Beta particles are a type of ionizing radiation.

the penetrating power of radiation
Fig.5 Penetrating Power of Beta Rays  


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